Wednesday, February 10, 2016 0 Comments

I was going through my archives and came across this article. Reading it just lifted my spirit, its just what I needed now. I decided to share... who knows, some one may need it.  I am currently going through a phase where it seems things aren't working the way I want it. For days now, I have been in a fix, struggling to not give up. Struggling to keep my dreams alive, to keep hanging in there. I just can't throw in the trowel just because I hit rock bottom. How do I get out of this situation?
  Just because something bad happened to you, maybe it was a business deal which didn’t come off or some failure to win promotion on which you had built high hopes or some illness or accident or an examination you didn't pass or things aren’t  simply going the way you planned, wished or expected. You shouldn't throw in the trowel. It isn’t the time to give up or let go of your dreams, you may be in a fix or so choked up with life that giving up is simply the only best option. It isn’t! Just one more step, one more trial, one more push or move and you are there.    It is amazing how you can gather strength for a journey and lose it quickly in the face of battle. How would you feel if you eventually made it to where you dreamed you will be and how would you feel if you didn’t make it to where you dreamed you will be? The answer should be your focal point in distress. There are lots of people with dreams but we only hear of men who fulfilled theirs through persistence. Things are what you make them, you can either give up, shut yourself up in misery and hopelessness or you refuse to accept defeat. Know this: what has happened to you is happening to many other people in the place you live in, in the very neighbourhood to which you belong. You have got to keep trying, just focus on the light at the end of the tunnel.     What do you think will happen if you give up? Someone else may take the glory, you may never be fulfilled or satisfied or may become a slave to people who are in pursuit of their dreams. Persistence is the key; perseverance is the price to pay. Tests, problems or challenges are ways you move up the ladder of success. I say to myself, “I will not give up never give up on my dreams; I’ll keep pushing and pushing until I get to the top!”   
    I have accepted what happened in good faith; taken responsibility for my actions. It isn’t the end of the world yet! Instead of moaning and complaining, direct all your remaining energy to making the best of your predicament. Being angry and bitter will only make matters worse. Getting rid of all bitterness, resentments and self-pity will release within you new reserves of strength and courage. You will discover ways of making the best of your situation.      I am hopeful, I believe in myself and what I am thoroughly proficient at. Keep working on yourself and developing those qualities in you and try something a little harder. Face your fears, failures and rejection. Refuel your passion, re-strategise and follow through your plans, write down your dreams. Have a mental picture of it and use that picture to keep going. No matter what happens to you, don’t accept defeat or failure.          As for me, this phase will pass, it will fizzle out only a matter of time. I will continue to persist until it becomes a reality! I am not through with my trowel!



Wednesday, February 03, 2016 0 Comments

Hi lovelies! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend? I did! So sad January is ending I really enjoyed every bit of it but I am absolutely looking forward to the rest of the year. I have a few projects up my sleeves which I will be unveiling soon.
Today's post is about mixing and matching prints before that I'd like to say something. We meet different people everyday and the way we relate with them really matters. 'The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships' Anthony Robbins.People will always hurt us one way or the other, how we choode to react is key.As my Mom would say 'try as much possible within your capacity to be at live with everyone. One of the principles of designing is harmony. Colours, patterns, texture, etc must blend together to produce an harmonized picture. When you look for the best in others, you ultimately bring out the best in you! In life, living in harmony with everyone breeds a peaceful enviroment for all. First seek to understand and then be understood. Put others first before you!
I love to experiment, try a little this and that you know. I decided to try mixing prints, hmn! Mixing prints can be really trickish but fun if you know what you are doing. It is like painting a picture. Keep it simple and stick to same colour palette or families of colour if you are mixing patterns. If you are mixing same pattern but different colours, just make sure the colours blend in and not apart. You can go monotone, or try ombre for that edgy look. It was fun mixing and matching prints. It turned out well didn't it? I will be trying more of mixing prints.
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Phil 2:3 Thank you for stoping by, dont forget to drop your comments. I'd love to hear from you. Outfit Details Ankara dress: Mabeli Inspired! Strappy heels: Lagos Island Earrings and braclets: accessories by mabeli Purse: accessories by mabeli